Information about steps4malawi
Our Story
Welcome to STEPS4MALAWI, supporting on the ground missions work, shoes, micro enterprise, and water wells.
STEPS4MALAWI has a several missions:
1) STEPS4MALAWI micro-enterprise program is designed to create real economic change in Malawi. Working with SOLES4SOULS we utilize gently used shoes as a resource to help entrepreneurs in Malawi with an opportunity to start and sustain a small business (a micro-enterprise) of their own. Because shoes that are no longer needed are donated, STEPS4MALAWI will be able to provide a constant quality supply of product to entrepreneurs. Because of this, they will be able to lift themselves and their family out of poverty.
2) Deforestation worldwide has become an epidemic and will have severe consequences if left unchecked. Attempts at control and regulation aremet largely with frustration due to the lack of income-producing alternatives for the rural population and fuel wood alternatives for the consumers. Similarly, tree planting and conservation measures, while commendable, require financial support and time to realize a return to the rural citizen - two commodities in short supply in the client areas. Fuel Briquettes - made from everyday agricultural and commercial residues such as weeds, leaves, sawdust, rice husks, carton board and scrap paper – are a unique yet proven technology that have had an impact on lessening fuel wood use and thus deforestation. In many parts of the world, people are making this new and modern fuel – saving time, saving energy, saving our environment and creating income. Fuel briquettes are unique because they provide a fuel wood alternative from resources that are right under ones feet or in a wastebasket! Fuel briquettes can be available relatively quickly at a low cost to the manufacturer or consumer and can be adapted and applied in a wide variety of settings, making the technology appropriate and sustainable. Based upon work by the The Legacy Foundation and its projects who have tested the briquette making process over ten years in a wide variety of environments and conditions – in urban and sub urban and rural areas in Malawi, Haiti,Kenya, Zimbabwe, Nicaragua, Peru, Mali and the United States. The producers who have participated in briquette training have become expert in the process and able to adapt their own conditions, materials and environment to the briquette production process.
STEPS4MALAWI is excited to bring this project to Malawi and will be working with locals to set up micro enterprise opportunities to replace illegal charcoal production.
3) Supporting Mteke, Chigwiligwidi, and Chidubah Villages and others around the Chiringa trading center in the Phalombe region funding projects and assitance to widows and Orphans. Steps4Malawi supports financially, spiritually, physically and by building infrastructure. In addition to the projects themselves Steps4Malawi also supports the various village shepherds and churches connected with the Chidubah Christian church including the Chidubahrising Project (Wendy Elerick).
We also help repair houses, replace roofs, build or rebuild churches, basically doing what needs to be done to the best of our ability.